Shut up, Bernie

John Albertman
2 min readMar 11, 2017


Once again, a white, CIS male insists on having the loudest voice.

Bernie Sanders is at it again. In an Op-ed for the New York Times, he writes about Drumpf’s intention on signing an exclusivity deal with the makers of a Zika treatment drug.

This is a very serious issue. Lives are literally at stake. Which is why I am even more infuriated that the Times gives speaking room to Sanders.

First off, you’ll notice that Bernie mentions Russia a sum total of zero times. The world’s most evil country just stole an election and handed power to an American fascist. How many times does Bernie mention that? Not. Even. Once.

I have not posted since the election. Like many of you, I have been depressed and horrified. After several weeks of intensive therapy, I have come to realize that I am a victim. Every other Hillary supporter is a victim, too. And, of course, there is no larger victim that Hillary herself.

Hillary is a victim of the violence of theft. Hillary is a victim of the violence of silence. Hillary is a victim of the violence of erasure.

In refusing to acknowledge a victim’s victimhood, we re-victimize them, forcing them to live through the trauma. In refusing to mention Russia’s literal rape, Bernie has given it his explicit approval.

That is not okay.

I’m not going to criticize the outrageous and naive economics of Sanders’ proposal. If he thinks we can still see drug advances while throttling the innovative of drug companies, that is his delusion.

Instead, we must chide the Times for giving voice to YET ANOTHER WHITE MALE BRO. Even without seeing Sanders’ despicable byline, I could tell this was written by a BRO because of its language.

Sanders suffers from the bro insanity of “exclusion by inclusion.” Instead of referring separately to each and every identity group that would be helped by his naive and moronic “reforms,” he speaks in broad terms. Sanders complains that “taxpayers” paid for drug research. “American soldiers” in Zika-prone areas will be at great risk. “The American Consumers” will be hurt by high prices.

Soldiers? Taxpayers? Consumers? Those words make me literally shake from rage.

What of trans soldiers, who do not even know which bathroom to use? What about the brave, black, queer taxpayers? Or how about the undocumented, pansexual gamer-geek consumer? By not mentioning these people in direct specificity, Sanders erases their bodies.

It’s clear who Sanders wants to help with his “revolution.” And, sadly, its only the people who look like him.

